"Merchantman Steamer" in Oils and Carved Relief
c. 1920A framed picture of the "Merchantman Steamer" which was traded of the Busselton Jetty for a Kangaroo Skin c1920. The ship is a carved relief that is pasted onto a background painted in oils on thin ply wood. The rigging is made of cotton. On the back of the "Merchantman Steamer" is a painting of a Japanese lady in traditional costume.
There is no artist by the name of S Noguchi on record but Isamu Noguchi (November 17, 1904 – December 30, 1988) was an Japanese / American artist and landscape architect whose artistic career spanned six decades, from the 1920s onward. Between 1910 -1922 Isamu spent much time travelling between the US and Japan, probably by steamer, and whilst he attended an American high school he went by the name "Sam Gilmore".
What a great story if this painting was actually painted by an unknown schoolboy calling himself Sam Noguchi, who was on one of his many steamer voyages of that time. He then traded it with a sailor, who then traded it for a kangaroo skin on the Busselton Jetty and then many years later it finally ended up on the walls of our museum!
The painting is signed
S Noguchi
A merchantman steamer is a steam powered watercraft that transports cargo and / or passengers for hire.
Busselton Historical Society
Busselton Historical Society
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