The Ballarat Engine leaflet
Information leaflet on the history of the Ballarat Engine pre it's location at the Busselton Visitors Centre
Busselton Historical Society
Busselton Historical Society
Other items from Busselton Historical Society
- The Busselton Jetty booklet
- Westralian Watering Places - The South West booklet
- Postcards of Busselton booklet
- Officers Certificate, Amalgamated Society of Railway Employees - C H P Higgins
- Dental Board of Western Australia Certificate - Eugene Thomas Parker
- Washing Machine, Simpson
- Education Department WA Certificates - Mary Wittfoht
- Postcard - Restawile Motel
- Postcard - Lillies
- Postcard - The Avenue Buselton
- Postcard- South-West Corner Western Australia
- Souvenir Envelope - Busselton