Education Department WA Certificates - Mary Wittfoht
1903 - 1915Nine certificates:
Education Department of Western Australia Examination, Merit and Qualifying certificates awarded to Mary Wittfoht at the Coolingup School and Capel River School from July 1903 through to 1915
The Wittfoht family are early settlers in the Capel River area.
Historic: Issued in WW1 to all Australian Troops
Busselton Historical Society
Busselton Historical Society
Other items from Busselton Historical Society
- Postcard - Restawile Motel
- Postcard - Lillies
- Postcard - The Avenue Buselton
- Postcard- South-West Corner Western Australia
- Souvenir Envelope - Busselton
- Postcard - Vasse Hotel, Busselton WA
- Postcard - Queen St, Looking North, Busselton
- Single serve milk jug
- Framed Group Photograph of Wireless May Flying Reinforcements 1917
- Washing Machine, Hoover
- Vasse Racing Club Programme 1919
- Special Certificate for Excellent Attendance - Ruth and Gerty Cuthbert 1919