Baseball WA > Records

Baseball WA Ltd Annual Report 2000-2001


The 2000-2001 Baseball WA Ltd Annual Report is a hard-copy, 60-page document, printed on white paper. The front and back covers are of high gloss, medium-weight card. The top half of the covers is yellow; the bottom half is black with yellow text. The document title on the front cover is yellow text in a black rectangle The back cover lists Baseball WA's contact details, major sponsors and associate sponsors. Both front and back covers display the Baseball WA logo.

This copy of the report contains a one-page addendum titled 'Australian Sports Medal Recipients - Appendix 7', which is not listed in the Contents page.

Historical information

Baseball WA Ltd was formed as at 5 May 1999 with the amalgamation of West Australian Baseball League Inc. (WABL) and the Baseball Development Foundation Inc. (BDF).

Baseball WA (BWA) formally assumed the undertakings of West Australian Junior Baseball Inc. (WAJBL) as at 30 June 2000. Practical assumption of operations occurred as at 1 July 1999.



Registration number
Item type
21 cm
Height or length
29.3000 cm
0.5000 cm
Inscriptions and markings

Baseball WA Ltd Annual Report 2000-2001
Baseball WA Ltd
ACN 087 442 822
ABN 21 522 890

Contextual Information

A valuable source of information in the development of baseball over a 12-month period.

Statement of significance

The annual report clearly identifies award winners and information on club activities / Perth Heat / senior and junior baseball / financials / provincial baseball / individual and club statistics.

Primary significance criteria
Artistic or aesthetic significance
Historic significance
Scientific or research significance
Social or spiritual significance
Comparative significance criteria
Interpretive capacity
Object’s condition or completeness
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
Baseball WA

Baseball WA

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Baseball WA Ltd Annual Report 2000-2001 cover page
Baseball WA Ltd Annual Report 2000-2001 cover page.
Baseball WA Ltd Annual Report 2000-2001 contents page
Baseball WA Ltd Annual Report 2000-2001 contents page.
Baseball WA Ltd Annual Report 2000-2001 Appendix 7 addendum
Baseball WA Ltd Annual Report 2000-2001 Appendix 7 addendum.

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