Baseball WA Ltd Annual Report 2017-2018
The 2017-2018 Baseball WA Ltd Annual Report is a hard-copy, 88-page document printed on white paper. The front and back covers are of gloss, medium-weight card. The top third of the front cover is white with the title in black and red text. The lower two-thirds of the cover is a coloured photograph of the baseball field viewed from the spectators' stand behind home plate. The back cover displays Baseball WA Ltd's contact details. The document is bound with black, plastic-coated metal spiral binding.
Baseball WA Ltd was formed as at 5 May 1999 with the amalgamation of West Australian Baseball League Inc. (WABL) and the Baseball Development Foundation Inc. (BDF).
Baseball WA (BWA) formally assumed the undertakings of West Australian Junior Baseball Inc. (WAJBL) as at 30 June 2000. Practical assumption of operations occurred as at 1 July 1999.
Baseball WA Ltd
Annual Report
This report is a valuable source of information in the development of baseball over a 12-month period.
This annual report was donated to the Baseball WA Museum & Archives by Bill Sinclair.
The annual report clearly identifies award winners and information on club activities / Perth Heat / senior and junior baseball / financials / provincial baseball / individual and club statistics.
Other items from Baseball WA
- Nedlands Baseball Club Silver Anniversary Invitation 1936-1960
- Sydney 2000 Olympic Games accreditation card
- Queensland state baseball team cap
- New South Wales state baseball team cap
- 1964 Western Australian Claxton Shield Series baseball team
- West Australian Sports Star of the Year Award 1978-1979 - Don Kyle (Baseball)
- 1968 Western Australian State Under-18 baseball team
- 1968 Western Australian State Under-16s baseball cap and pocket patch
- George Dickinson's 1936 baseball glove
- Western Australian John Kelly's State baseball team blazer & tie
- West Australian baseball players Don Callanan and John Evert – photograph
- Night Baseball League 'Perth Tigers' cap belonging to George Dickinson

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