
White small cloth with decorative faggoting 1.3cm in from the edge and then again 2.5cm in. The pattern of the faggoting forms a square in the corners. There is also a square central pattern.
Names have been embroidered in red cotton in a circular manner.
Names on cloth are: AE Dempster, John JM Gage, Geoff Maxwell, Vernon Hamersley, Allen Locke [possibly Lochee], Wilfred M Snook, W Harold Watson, Loise L Shenton, W? Bellanger, Geo? Morrison, OG Allanson-Waring, AS Bartlett, AE Jolly, GB Rossi, B Lukiss, K [H?] C Jeston, Edward Brown, WB?, Freda Lefroy, Marion Hamersley, Dorothy Watkins, Nancy House?, Marion Lefroy, Helena Parker, Mary G Cherry [Chitty?], KP Taylor, Florence Wittenoom, Preston Hamersley, Frederic[s] Amorcus?, JA Laycon, Jessie McNae, Grace Andrews, S Bartlett, Percy Hamersley, Picti Logi?
The stitching of some signatures is worn.

Historical information

Originally donated to the Albany Museum by the Dempster family. Noticed by a travelling curator and donated to Toodyay as being more appropriate. Names to be recorded, more follow up needed.



Registration number
Item type
Statement of significance

AE Dempster, John JM Gage, Geoff Maxwell, Vernon Hamersley, Allen Locke [possibly Lochee], Wilfred M Snook, W Harold Watson, Loise L Shenton, W? Bellanger, Geo? Morrison, OG Allanson-Waring, AS Bartlett, AE Jolly, GB Rossi, B Lukiss, K [H?] C Jeston, Edward Brown, WB?, Freda Lefroy, Marion Hamersley, Dorothy Watkins, Nancy House?, Marion Lefroy, Helena Parker, Mary G Cherry [Chitty?], KP Taylor, Florence Wittenoom, Preston Hamersley, Frederic[s] Amorcus?, JA Laycon, Jessie McNae, Grace Andrews, S Bartlett, Percy Hamersley, Picti Logi?

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Shire of Toodyay

Shire of Toodyay

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