
Smoky blue velvet cap with patterned flat beige cord stitched around the sides in a looped pattern - two rows. Top of cap is patterned with eight petal shapes and a small three petal shaped motif is within each petal. Centre is a covered button which secures a plaited loop cord ending in a tassel. Inside is lined with black silk which is very deteriorated and fragile.
The inner lining is pale green blanketing to which the decoration is attached to.
The cap is handmade.

Historical information

Previous registration number CH 51



Registration number
Item type
Contextual Information

Smoking caps, also known as lounging caps, were Victorian headwear worn by men while smoking to stop their hair from smelling of tobacco smoke. They were soft caps, shaped like a squat cylinder or close fitting like a knit cap, and usually heavily embroidered with a tassel on top.

Statement of significance

Provenance: Belonged to Captain Dempster

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Shire of Toodyay

Shire of Toodyay

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