
Most unusual Irish crochet in that the delicate Irish crochet motifs are connected with spider webs, not a typical bride/bar in Irish crochet.
A 235mm diameter circular mat with scalloped edge comprising of 11 daisy like flowers. The centre of 10 flowers has a raised buttonhole circular centre. Petals are comprised of crocheted circles, wheel like in appearance.
This mat has distinctive feature of embroidered spider webs connecting the Irish crochet motifs.
This has similar characteristic to the lace of Brittany in NW France which was used on the women’s distinctive tall elegant headdresses.
During the Irish famine in mid 19th century, many Irish girls entered convents in France. When they returned to Ireland, they brought with them crochet and needlelace techniques, patterns and designs learnt in France.



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Embroiderers' Guild of WA

Embroiderers' Guild of WA

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Irish Crochet mat
Irish Crochet mat
Detail of Irish Crochet mat
Detail of Irish Crochet mat

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