Framed oil painting "Greenough River" by Jim Evans
1993oil paints on masonite, timber frame, cardboard backing. Depicts two dead trees in the Greenough River.
Painting by Jim Evans, commissioned by Joy Clinch, whose property on Company Rd backed onto the Greenough River.
Jim Evans 93
Painting provides evidence of the condition of the river in 1993.
Greenough Museum and Gardens
Greenough Museum and Gardens
Other items from Greenough Museum and Gardens
- St Catherine’s Hall piano
- Share Certificate
- Army Discharge certificate
- Vera Davey's Reference Letter
- Felix Devlin's Coffee Pot
- License Certificate for a Lay Reader
- Greenough Farmer's Club Show certificate
- Greenough Farmer's Club Show certificate
- Greenough Farmer's Club Show second prize card
- Wheat Yield Certificate
- Holiday Receipt
- Painting "Young boy with a dog"
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