WW1 Military Hames


2 iron hames that are composed of a large curved plate that has a hook at one end and an eye hole at the other which would have been used to attach the traces or chains. At the centre of the plate an iron hame hook is attached by a hinge.

Historical information

These Hames bear the insignia of the Australian Military Forces (not easy to see due to an unfortunate paint job). It is speculated that they were made for the WW1 Armed Forces when draught horses were used to supply the army and move equipment like heavy artillery.



Registration number
Item type
25 cm
Height or length
48 cm
14 cm
Contextual Information

A horse collar is a part of a horse harness that is used to distribute the load around a horse's neck and shoulders when pulling a wagon or plough. The collar often supports and pads a pair of curved metal or wooden pieces, called hames, to which the traces of the harness are attached.

Primary significance criteria
Social or spiritual significance
Busselton Historical Society

Busselton Historical Society

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WW1 Military Hames
WW1 Military Hames

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