Edith Cavell Mourning Card


Mourning card printed in memory of British nurse Edith Cavell as a memento at the time of Nurse Cavell's burial at Norwich Cathedral on 15 May 1919.
The card is white with black and silver borders. The front cover shows a wreath of ivy containing the words 'In Loving memory'.
The inside leaves have text including a dedication, poem, a portrait of Edith Cavell and the printer's details.

Historical information

Edith Cavell served as a nurse with the Red Cross in Belgium before and during World War I. On August 5, 1915 she was arrested by the Germans on the charge of assisting allied troops to escape to Holland. After being held for nine weeks, Edith confessed and was brought to trial. She was sentenced to death by firing squad, along with her accomplice Philippe Baucq, and was executed on 12 October 1915.
Her execution received widespread media coverage and on 12 October 1918 Queen Alexandra unveiled a memorial in Tombland, Norwich. The memorial was moved in 1993 to beside the Erpingham Gate, near Norwich Cathedral.
After the War her body was brought back to England and after a service at Westminster Abbey was interred at Norwich Cathedral on 15 May 1919..
Her story is detailed in an attached link to the Imperial War Museum.



Registration number
75 mm
Height or length
110 mm
Inscriptions and markings

Front cover:

"In Loving Memory"

On left inside open card:

Loving memory

Who was murdered by the
Germans at Brussels
October 12th 1915"

"Buried at Norwich Cathedral
May 15th 1919"

"Loved by all who knew her"

On right inside open card:

"Abide with me; fast fall the eventide;
The darkness deepens; Lord with me abide;
When other helpers fail, and comforts flee;
Help of the helpless, O abide with me."

"I fear no foe with Thee at hand to bless,
Ills' have no weigh and tears no bitterness,
Where is death's sting; Where grave the Victor,
I triumph still, if Thou abide with me."

Burgess Printer York Place Strand

Place made
United Kingdom
Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance
Comparative significance criteria
Interpretive capacity
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Mourning Card printed in memory of British nurse, Edith Cavell
Mourning Card printed in memory of British nurse, Edith Cavell
Edith Cavell Mourning Card front and back covers
Edith Cavell Mourning Card front and back covers

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