In the sands of our remembrance, grows the soul of our nation (Poppy sculpture)
2014 - 2015A large steel sculpture representing a poppy flower. It is comprised of five red petals and a green stem with a single leaf. The petals have creases and undulations evoking the natural texture and movement of a poppy. Black paint creates shadow and depth.
The centre of the flower (ovary) is circular with a scalloped form. The ovary is black with purple hair-like embellishments. Numerous black stamens with stems called filaments and capped with lozenge-shaped anthers radiate from a disc attached behind the ovary. There is a black and red flangelike back plate, or sepal, on the underside of the flower.
Poppy has been displayed on a small number of occasions for short periods only. From 2015 to c.2019 Poppy was installed at Circular Quay, Sydney for ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day and was assembled and disassembled within the same day for both events.
The artwork includes a complimentary gift for visitors of a small vial containing sand from the beaches of Albany and a pine needle from a pine tree associated with the original Lone Pine from the Gallipoli campaign.
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