Picture in frame “FLEET WEEK AT ALBANY”
1908Framed presentation of “FLEET WEEK AT ALBANY” consisting of pictures of crowds on Stirling Terrace and at the Rotunda; ships in King George Sound; steamers and launches; parades, marching and officials.
The framed photographs record the visit of the Great White Fleet to Albany in September 1908. America’s Great White Fleet, consisting of 16 new battle ships and their escorts, visited Albany for the celebration of ‘Fleet Week’ from the 11 – 17 September 1908. The visit was part of a diplomatic mission that demonstrated the maritime power of the United Sates of America in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The fleet undertook a world cruise from Virginia (U.S.), visiting 6 continents and 20 ports around the world from 16 December 1907 to 22 February 1909 before returning to Virginia to be reviewed by President Roosevelt.
Below the pictures, tables on the far left and right hand side contain information regarding the ships’ names, tonnage, number of guns, number of officers and men.
In between the tables THE VISIT OF THE AMERICAN FLEET TO ALBANY – An Historic Event description consists of a number of statements regarding the possible future historical importance of the visit of the “WHITE ARMADA”, along with background to the fleet. None of the ships were completed by the Spanish Civil War (1898); 9 of the 16 ships were launched after 1905 and none of the ships were more than 8 years old. They were the “largest and most recently built ships” from the four squadrons of the US navy.
Statistics are also included: TOTAL UNITS – 225,778 TONS; LENGTH, 6.673 ft; 1004 guns; 629 0fficers; 11,836 men.
America’s Great White Fleet anchored in King George’s Sound on 11 September 1908 and was greeted by Sir James Newton Moore, Governor of Western Australia, in the S.S. Penguin. During the week, Admiral Sperry and his officers met with other Western Australian and local dignitaries at official functions and a march-past that took place on 14 September. The crews of the ships were kept busy with re-coaling the ships but did take the opportunity to partake in the refreshments offered in the ‘luncheon marquee’ when they were on Leave. The Perth City Band entertained the crowds, officers attended a ball in the Town Hall. Sports such as log chopping and sleeper squaring took place in the afternoons.
Albany locals were treated to the ships being illuminated at night and could catch steamers out to see the ships during both day and night, with some of the ships opened for inspection each day. Excursion trains provided transport for those from outlying areas to witness the spectacle of the fleet moored in the Sound.
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11 - 15 SEPTEMBER 1908
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