
Silver circular case hinged at left hand side. Hinge is brass. Brass winder on right hand side of back piece with a silver ring for attaching. Intricately embossed front, back and sides; back has a floral pattern in the centre. Front has floral pattern in the centre plus a small blank medallion. A four leaf clover and leaf pattern repeats on the sides. There are two hands, one with a shaped hand, roman numerals and second markings. Plastic face cover and the background is a dirty white. Engraved on watch/front and back cover. Watchmaker by warrant to the Queen/Crown/Examined by J.W.Benson 62 - 64 Ludgate Hill, London/Swiss made. Front cover inside Silver markings Lion/1/swiss/AB/487. Back cover inside,17(?)Lion/1/Swiss/AB/36147. There are some numbers scrtached on the rim of cover that are not currently legible.



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Whitfield Family

Shire of Toodyay

Shire of Toodyay

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