
Black and white photograph of a wandoo tree being felled.
This tree was located around 55 km from Toodyay, and is believed to have been harvested for the Industrial Extracts, Toodyay operations.

Historical information

Commonly known as wandoo or white gum, this medium sized species is widely distributed in southwest Western Australia. The Noongar names for the tree are Dooto, Wandoo, Warrnt or Wornt.



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Industrial Extracts was a subsidiary company of Plaimar, and was formed in about 1935.
The major factory was at Boddingon, Western Australia. Two mills there worked 24 hours a day during WW2 to meet the national demand for tanning extract.

Contextual Information

Industrial Extracts was a subsidiary company of Plaimar, and was formed in about 1935.
Industrial Extracts was a subsidiary company of Plaimar, and was formed in about 1935.
The major factory was at Boddingon, Western Australia. Two mills there worked 24 hours a day during WW2 to meet the national demand for tanning extract.
A third tanning mill was built in Toodyay and opened in May 1952. In 1971 the Toodyay factory closed when it became uneconomic.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Shire of Toodyay

Shire of Toodyay

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