2003One General Meeting was held in 2003.
The 2003 Fees appear in the minute book.
The Notice of meeting for the Annual General Meeting is contained in Newsletter March 2003 (Item 2022.218). The 2002 Annual Report was circulated with this newsletter.
The proceedings of the Annual General Meeting conducted on 27th March included:
- Receipt of the accounts for the past year.
- Receipt of the reports from all the Board members and General Manager with minimal interaction
- Elections and appointments for the Vice Captain and members of management committees were conducted.
- The following two motions were considered:
- Extension of the Non-Refundable Capital Contribution to cover the period 2005 to 2009 – Passed
- Future vote counts for Board and Committee members be declared at the time of voting and made available for scrutiny – Lost
- To confirm that the Club colours are green and gold – Lost
- A Special Resolution to admit Doug Byers to Life Membership was Lost
- Certificates of recognition and outstanding service were presented to approximately 20 members
The minutes have been scanned from the hardcopy book covering the period 1996 to 2010 (Item 2023.96).
Melville Glades Golf Club
Melville Glades Golf Club
Related Topics
Topic | Association | Dates |
General Meeting Minutes | 2003 | |
MGGC Fees | Fee Schedule included in minutes | 2003 |
MGGC Recognition of Service | List of members receiving certificates | 2003 |
Other items from Melville Glades Golf Club

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