A description of Empire Day and its associated activities. The article immediately below this article describes the tree planting that was undertaken and which closely matches the names on the back of this photograph.
Empire Day at Katanning Showgrounds
1914A sepia photograph of a group of men, women and children in an out door setting, grouped in two rows standing and a front row of children and men squatting. The photograph is mounted on green cardboard.
Research from newspaper articles on TROVE has revealed that the 22nd of May 2014 was "Empire Day' and it was a day of speeches to children on loyalty to their country and the Empire, and then the children marched to the old Katanning Showgrounds (in 1914 was called Katanning Park) where they planted over two hundred trees.
Below the photograph handwritten in black ink is "Overseers children planting trees on old show ground Katanning May 22 1914".
On the back of the photograph is a piece of paper which has been sticky taped on and the handwritten in black ink is "? Planting Old Show Ground near Swimming Pool and Bowling Green. Left to Right Rev Gilmour Baptist Minister. Carl T Wanke Road Board Burbidge Church of England. Mr W. Pemble. Mr G. Orr Head Master of ? School Mrs G. McLeod(holding baby) Chairman Road Board. Mrs Haddleton then Alex Thomson Rev Thrum. W.M. Brunton stooping down. Left to right Mr Kowald 'Senior' School Teacher Mr Hewson Brown Hat Mr C Mitchell Plumber."
Copyright and Reference
Copyright and Reference
Courtesy of Katanning Historical Society.
Katanning Historical Society
Katanning Historical Society
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