Framed Photograph of Mr Stan Holgate


Framed photograph of Stanley Robert Holgate

BHS Photo Archive 4074

Historical information

Stanley Robert Holgate was born in Busselton in 21 March 1894 and died in 16 July 1974.

Stan lived next door to Dr WP Yates in Albert St, Busselton and was a Butcher by trade.

In WW1 Stan enlisted on the 18 August 1915 into the AIF 28th Battalion, transferred to 51st Battalion 3 March 1916 and attained the rank of Sergeant. He was recommended for a Military Medal in 1916 for his bravery running messages under heavy shellfire in Pozieres.

Stan was the Captain of the Busselton Volunteer Fire Brigade for many years and a member of the Busselton Brass Band.



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Framed Photograph of Mr Stan Holgate
Framed Photograph of Mr Stan Holgate
4446 Busselton Fire Brigade 1933. Winners of Lambourne Event Albany Demo. Back S R Holgate. S Norman. Front W G Diggins. G Cross.jpg
The Busselton Fire Brigade winners of the 4 man Lambourne Event at Fire Brigade Demonstration held in Albany in1933. Back L-R Stan Holgate, S Norman. Front L-R WG Diggins, G Cross. Photo 4446 BHS Archive

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