Honour Board - Commonwealth Bank (World War 2)


Large jarrah Honour Roll with carved details and bronze tablets recording Commonwealth Bank of Australia staff from Western Australia who enlisted to serve during World War 2

Historical information

Just as it had in WW1, CBA played a critical part in ensuring the country’s service people got paid. As part of its policy to take the bank to the people, agencies were established in military camps and operated by bank staff after their branches closed for the day with banking services provided at night. As the war went on, these services were taken over by the Post Office. But in bigger camps special branches of the CBA were opened. The bank also handled payment and transaction services for the US Forces



Registration number
Contextual Information

A consolidated list of names recorded on Honour Boards in the Museum's care is available through the Curatorial section.

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

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Comm Bank WW2

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