Honour Board - Royal Australian Survey Corps


Modern Honour Roll commemorating members of the Royal Australian Survey Corps with a connection to western Australia who died while serving.

Historical information

The Royal Australian Survey Corps (RA Svy) was a Corps of the Australian Army, formed on 1 July 1915 and disbanded on 1 July 1996. As one of the principal military survey units in Australia, the role of the Royal Australian Survey Corps was to provide the maps, aeronautical charts, hydrographical charts and geodetic and control survey data required for land combat operations



Registration number
Contextual Information

The Historical Collection of the Survey Corps is maintained by the Australian Army Museum of Military Engineering at Holsworthy Barracks, south-west Sydney, New South Wales. A consolidated list of names recorded on Honour Boards in the Army Museum of Western Australia's care is available through the Curatorial section.

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

Australian Army Museum of Western Australia

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Survey Corps

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