First world War Picture Postcard


Picture postcard of young girl in a pink dress holding a crook. “Little Bo-Peep” nursery rhyme character. Nursery rhyme printed below picture. On reverse handwritten message from ‘Daddy”

Historical information

As post was the only significant means of communication connecting the home front with the military front postcards became very popular as they were simple and effective.



Registration number
Item type
90 mm
Height or length
144 mm
Inscriptions and markings

On front – ‘Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep / and can’t tell where to find them / Leave them alone and they’ll come home / And bring their tails behind them’. Also small, printed caricature of Little Bo-Peep in bottom left-hand corner. On reverse in print logo for National Art Company also “This Space for Writing Messages” / “POSTCARD / “This side for the address”. Handwritten in ink “Melbourne 27/2/1916 / To my Darling Rosie with love from her Daddy”

Primary significance criteria
Artistic or aesthetic significance
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance
Comparative significance criteria
Well provenanced
Google Maps search term / URL
Princess Royal Fortress Military Museum

Princess Royal Fortress Military Museum

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Picture Postcard
Picture postcard of Little Bo-peep
Reverse of picture postcard
Reverse of picture postcard displaying Little Bo-Peep

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