Sabina Wagon
c. 1906The Busselton Historical Society affectionately refer to this wagon as the Sabina Wagon in deference to its origins and it is a wooden wheeled, iron shod tabletop wagon
Tabletop wagons were the heavy lifters in the wagon world. Large table-top wagons were first built in Australia in the 1890s in response to increased agricultural production and road improvements. They were larger than the flat-top wagons that they replaced, and their long platform tops were sometimes slightly concave to help keep wheat sacks or wool bales in place. Turning the wagon and horses was made easier by the swiveling pony wheel assembly which sat underneath the front of the wagon. The number of horses required to pull the wagon depended on the weight of the load and the road conditions but typically, one horse was needed for every tonne of load.
In the 1920s this wagon was used for general cartage by the Agricultural Research Farm, Sabina Vale, at Uligugalup. Uligugalup Road can still be found in Yalyalup, just 10 minutes east of Busselton.
After the second World War the Agricultural Department kept cattle on the Research Farm and returning soldiers could choose stock from there to replenish their farms where herds had been depleted during the conflict. In the 1970s the Research Farm, including this Wagon, was sold to a Mr. Grice who then on sold to the Sabina Vale Pastoral Company which was run by Mr. O’Neill.
This wagon was donated to the museum by the Sabina Vale Pastoral Company, Wonnerup and restored for the Museum by Busselton Historical Society members Ivan Fleay, Merv Matson, George Reynolds, Arthur Baker and friends.
When the Sabina Wagon arrived at the Museum the Society realized that they required a covered workshop in which to carry out the required restoration work and this led to the building of the John Cannam Shed. After restoration work was completed, the Society decided that they needed a covered exhibition area for its display and this led to the construction of the Carriage Shed.
Busselton Historical Society
Busselton Historical Society
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