Promissory note from T. Harradine


hand written note in ink on paper

Historical information

John Maly Esq
Sir please give the bearer eight shillings & sixpence in stores on my act
Dec 28th 1865 John T. Harradine
In Settlement Mr X Criddle
Entd 1/1/65 VTrew
On reverse: 28 Dec 65 J Harradine Order Bearer 8/6 goods



Registration number
Item type
180 mm
Height or length
113 mm
1 mm
Contextual Information

Maley's Mill & Store Archives contain what could be Australia's largest collection of promissory notes. As there was a shortage of cash at Greenough, John Maley acted as an unofficial banker for the community. Notes such as this could be passed amongst numerous people before finally be cashed. The writer of the note, John Harradine was a former convict (no.5164) who settled at Greenough as a market gardener. The Criddle who signed his name with an X is William (1804-1875), one of the first Europeans to settle at Greenough. V. Trew (convict no 6753) worked as a storekeeper for John Maley.

Statement of significance

The object 'Promissory note from John T. Harradine' (GMOB1493) has some aesthetic significance, given its (form, colour, texture), and has some rarity value. The item has low scientific significance, although being representative of the class DOCUMENTS/Letters in good condition. The item has historic significance for the local community and has good interpretive potential. This item has some social significance given it was made by JOHN T.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance
Comparative significance criteria
Interpretive capacity
Object’s condition or completeness
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
Greenough Museum and Gardens

Greenough Museum and Gardens

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Promissory note from T. Harradine
Promissory note from T. Harradine dated 28/12/1865

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