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1971 Western Australian Under-15 State Baseball Team selections - newspaper article


A 1970 newspaper article naming seven players, chosen from two Perth under-15 baseball league teams, to play in the Australian Championships in Brisbane in January 1971.

Historical information

A newspaper article c.December 1970 from an unknown publication, reporting on team selections for the Western Australian Under-15 State team that will compete at the Australian Championships in Brisbane.

The seven players named are from the Perth Blue and Perth White under-15 league teams of the Perth Senior Baseball Club.



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Item type
Inscriptions and markings

[Story headline]
'7 State players from two teams'

Contextual Information

A copy of this newspaper article was emailed to the Baseball WA Museum & Archives by David Cubbage, a member of the 1971 State Under-15 Western Australian baseball team.

Place made
Statement of significance

Of historic and social significance, this newspaper article records the names of Western Australian junior baseballers who achieved a level of excellence in their sport.

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Social or spiritual significance
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1971 Western Australian Under-15 State Baseball Team selections - newspaper article
1971 Western Australian Under-15 State Baseball Team selections - newspaper article.

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