1984Two General Meetings were held in 1984.
The proceedings of the Annual General Meeting on 23rd February included:
- Receipt of the club’s management reports and discussion.
- Election of the Vice Captain
- Approval of Constitutional changes relating Category B Membership.
- Various General Business including a vote of thanks to the Associates for their financial contribution towards course toilet installations.
The General Meeting on 27th November commenced with the President conducting one minutes silence to acknowledge the passing of one of the club’s Founders, Bruce Harvey. The meeting’s proceedings included:
- Approval of a motion to increase fees.
- Election of Officers and Councillors
- Various General Business, particularly discussions on fairway grass. Mr W. Barnes informed the meeting that this year was the last of a three year mandate that the Council had been given to get the fairways right. This had involved the expert advice of consultants.
The minutes have been scanned from the hardcopy book covering the period 1967 to 1985 (Item 2023.94).
Melville Glades Golf Club
Melville Glades Golf Club
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General Meeting Minutes | 1984 | |
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