
Newspaper clipping with April 26th 1914 written on the top. It is the death notice of Mr James Wilkerson. It reads:
"The Late Mr. James Wilkerson
Mr. Wilkerson, whose death occurred at Northam yesterday week, was in his 87th year. He was a very old colonist, having left England in his teens and come to W.A. over 60 years ago. Acquiring a large are of country between Northam and Toodyay, he engaged in Sheep-farming, and was a recognised authority on sheep and other stock. He was also prominently associated with public affairs of the district, and held for about 21 years the position of chairman of the Northam Roads Board. In addition to pioneering agriculture, he bought a quantity of Northam town property and erected a number of large residences in the district. Since the death of his wife in 1903 Mr. Wilkerson has for the most part resided in Northam. His two eldest sons pre-decease him, but one son and two daughters survive him, while he leaves 36 grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. A wide circle of friends will regret the passing of this fine old pioneer."

Historical information

The obituary was taken as a cutting from a Sunday Times, Perth 26 April 1914 newspaper article on page 6 that was originally accompanied by a cropped headshot of Mr. Wilkerson (which appears to have been reproduced from Shire of Toodyay photograph 2014.17).



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5.7000 cm
Height or length
9 cm
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