Photo Geoff and Hilda Lord

c. 1975

A framed photograph of showing Geoff and Hilda Lord with Sir Stewart Bovell who became the Society Patron in the 1960s.

Historical information

The Lord family arrived in the Busselton area in 1922 as one of the original Group settlement families at Chapman Hill/ Walsall. The Group Settlement scheme was a Western Australian/ United Kingdom government migration scheme introduced in 1921, to provide a labour force to develop agricultural land in the South West region of Western Australia, reduce unemployment in the United Kingdom and reduce dependence on food imports from interstate. Members of the Lord family have been active community members in the Busselton region since they arrived in 1922.

The Bovell family were early settlers to the Busselton region and ran the Shipping Agency until the jetty closed in the 1970s



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Contextual Information

Geoff and Hilda Lord were long term members of the Busselton Historical Society and were instrumental in getting the Museum opened in the Old Butter Factory. Both Geoff and Hilda served multiple terms as President of the Society between 1971 and 1992

Sir Stewart Bovell was a long term MLA for the Busselton region and became the Society Patron in the 1960s.

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Geoff Lord Hilda Lord and Sir Stewart Bovell
Geoff and Hilda Lord with Sir Stewart Bovell

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