Subiaco Museum > Records


c. 1950 - 1959

div>1999.273.1 PHOTOGRAPH: HUMES VIEWS OF PIPES, GAS HOLDERS AND PRODUCTS AND EQUIPMENT B and W photograph. A) large object - rounded top resting on low metal platform. In centre is a small hole with a hose reaching to ground. B) view of open end of pipe with cross bars in it. Safety sign can be seen through open end. Men in background. Car tyres in row in front - some form of traveller. C) large pipe on back of a truck. Windows of building up high on right. Only trailer of truck visible. White cloth sign tied to pipe 'Manufactured by Humes Ltd, masters in steel and concrete for Head Wrightson Australia Pty Ltd. A and & S Blast Furnace Project, Kwinana WA. D) view of site with 3 partially completed gas holders, fence in foreground. E) close up of rounded top of a Humes product. Metal 'fasteners' running up side of project. HUMES L.K. Printed in white on side. F) view of steel runners (like tracks but on top of poles). Domed cover foreground left - sign in centre of photo 'Slow Down SMPM Men at Work'. G) view of 2 pipes being lifted off back of truck by an overhead crane. Man and buildings in background. H) Close up of steel girders, buildings on right. On reverse hand written: Subiaco Forming Shop - Track to carry runners to support festoon cable from Control Pendant. Source Mick Moore. i) view of interior of corrugated iron, tall buildings. Domed cover to right. Steel girders in view. Sign in centre 'Concrete Store, source Mick Moore - new crane and building, Subiaco 1950s. J) view of train with pyramids of pipes strapped to the three trailers. Steel girders above. Pipes to go to Subiaco railway station for further distribution. K) view of man, with back to camera, sitting on a machine. Steel pipe running across entire photograph. Buildings in background. Tracks for machine in foreground.

Historical information

These photographs collected for 'Subiaco Industry' exhibition at the Museum 1998. Photographs collected from Humes, Subiaco, now at Welshpool and owned by CSR. Humes one of many industries which moved, or closed prior to Subi Centro development. See P99.52a,b.



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Historical significance. Humes site, products and equipment 1950s

Subiaco Museum

Subiaco Museum

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