

Average sized boomerang, estimated to be 70-100 years old. Slightly curved and thin at one end and thicker at the other. The wood is cracked in multiple areas and on one side the wood has darker patches in areas.



Registration number
Item type
80 mm
Height or length
570 mm
Contextual Information

Found at Mary Lindsay Homestead in 2011.

Comparative significance criteria
Rare or representative
City of Wanneroo Museum Collections

City of Wanneroo Museum Collections

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Average sized boomerang, estimated to be 70-100 years old. Slightly curved and thin at one end and thicker at the other. The wood is cracked in multiple areas and on one side the wood has darker patches in areas.
Average sized boomerang, estimated to be 70-100 years old. Slightly curved and thin at one end and thicker at the other. The wood is cracked in multiple areas and on one side the wood has darker patches in areas.
Average sized boomerang, estimated to be 70-100 years old. Slightly curved and thin at one end and thicker at the other. The wood is cracked in multiple areas and on one side the wood has darker patches in areas.
Average sized boomerang, estimated to be 70-100 years old. Slightly curved and thin at one end and thicker at the other. The wood is cracked in multiple areas and on one side the wood has darker patches in areas.
Average sized boomerang, estimated to be 70-100 years old. Slightly curved and thin at one end and thicker at the other. The wood is cracked in multiple areas and on one side the wood has darker patches in areas.
Average sized boomerang, estimated to be 70-100 years old. Slightly curved and thin at one end and thicker at the other. The wood is cracked in multiple areas and on one side the wood has darker patches in areas.

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