1994This is a dinner program dated 3 December 1994 prepared to celebrate the efforts of the Constitution Review Committee. It is the same as Item 2021.139.1 except that this program has been signed by the atendees.
The program lists the President Jim Rann and his wife and Ladies Committee President Margaret O’Brien and her husband as guests, plus Peter Williams from Graham Marsh Golf Design as Guest Speaker.
The inside of this program has been signed by ten people, presumably all involved with the CRC, and the following page has the dinner menu. The recognisable signatures include Laurie Palmer, Tom Cook, Peter Evans (Managing Secretary), Kay Beal, Terry McCall, Nena Katnic, Jess Spencer.
Content from the 1994 Annual Report describes the completion of a new club constitution which was the result of two years' work. The main changes were to introduce the positions of Vice President and Vice Captain into the Board structure plus a member-elected person to each of the management committees. It is assumed that this effort was the reason for the dinner celebration.
The invitation to Peter Williams is presumed to relate to his company's redesign of the 16th green his during 1994.
Melville Glades Golf Club
Melville Glades Golf Club
Related Topics
Topic | Association | Dates |
Constitution and By-Laws | Celebration dinner after the completion of a major constitution review | 1994 |

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