An article on the opening of the tennis season and celebrating the newly erected pavilion.
Katanning Tennis Club Opening
1925A sepia photograph of a club house with tennis courts in the foreground. There are three flags, the writing on the left flag is not deciperable, on the middle flag it reads "ALTA COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIP 1921" and on the right most flag "ALTA COUNTRY 1924 CHAMPIONSHIPS".
This was a new pavilion on Amherst street Katanning. The men's basketball courts were also on this site. In 1997 the same site is now were the Amherst Village stands proudly.
On the back of the photograph handwritten in black ink is "New Pavilion, Katanning Tennis Club. Erected January 1925. Official Opening on Saturday October 10th 1925 by A. Thomson Esq M.L.A.".
On the back of the photograph stamped in black ink is "KODAK VELOX PRINT".
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Copyright and Reference
Courtesy of Katanning Historical Society.
Katanning Historical Society
Katanning Historical Society
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