120th Celebration Patch
2022Circular embroidered cloth patch with club colours, crossed rifles and inscriptions celebrating 120 years of the founding of the Perth and Fremantle Clubs.
This embroidered cloth patch for affixing to shooting jackets, hats or other clothing worn while shooting was presented to all members of the Perth Fremantle Rifle Club to celebrate the Club’s 120th anniversary. 24 members and 4 former members attending the celebration lunch received the patch. Other members received the patch over the following days. The crossed rifles represent the traditional form of TR shooting where iron sights are used. The second rifle depicts a telescope which represents the newer F Class discipline. The ribbon inscriptions of Karrakatta, Swanbourne and Pinjar represent the three rifle ranges that have been home to the clubs in the metropolitan area. Karrakatta (now Irwin Barracks) was used before WW1, Swanbourne (a part of the SAS facility) was used from after WW1 to 2017. Pinjar located in the City of Wanneroo is the current home for the Perth Fremantle Rifle Club.
'Perth Fremantle Rifle Club 120th Anniversary, 1902 2022, Karrakatta, Swanbourne, Pinjar'.
The patch is a physical celebration of the 120 years of the founding of the Perth and Fremantle Clubs in 1902.
Perth Fremantle Rifle Club
Perth Fremantle Rifle Club
Other items from Perth Fremantle Rifle Club
- 100th Anniversary dinner
- FRC Trophy Winners 1991
- C McColl WA Queens PM Winner
- W Garrity Kings Prize Winner 1927
- PRC Minute Book 1916 to 1957
- The Challenge 1993
- PRC Team 1987
- Laurie Ward and Derek Samson
- FRC 1990 Trophy Winners
- FRC 1992 Trophy Winners
- PRC Minute Book 1957 - 1975
- PRC Graded Teams Winners 2003
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