The Challenge 1993


Framed photograph with record of team members and scores

Historical information

Pictorial and written record of an international competition between the Perth Rifle Club – Western Australia and Otorohanga Rifle Club – New Zealand 1993



Registration number
230 mm
Height or length
320 mm
Inscriptions and markings

“The Challenge 1993: Perth Rifle Club – Western Australia vs Otorohanga Rifle Club – New Zealand”
Team members are named with their scores

Contextual Information

International matches between clubs occurred from time to time usually by exchanging scores by post (postal matches) and later by email. The photo identifies Perth RC members in the team as being: Back: Chris Hope, Peter Green, Chris Panting, Janet Wagland, Len Caudle, Steve McShane. Front: Bruce McMeekan, Reg Wagland, Stan Connell, Doug Attwood, Clint Attwood, Peter Sproule

Perth Fremantle Rifle Club

Perth Fremantle Rifle Club

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The Challenge 1993
“The Challenge 1993: Perth Rifle Club – Western Australia vs Otorohanga Rifle Club – New Zealand”

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