Digital copies of Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School magazine The Grammarian, 2013-2019.
Article, Gurney Fry, 2013
2013A digital scan of a page from The Grammarian magazine, Winter 2013. Plain black text on a white background with 'meringues' motif.
Scanned copy of article "101 Years of Generosity", 2013. Written as a tribute to long-term Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School benefactor and School grandparent Joseph Gurney Fry. Includes a brief history of Mr Fry's life and a history of his contribution to and involvement with the School. Written by early long-term staff member and Old Grammarians' Association (OGA) Life Member Margaret Mardon.
Includes a photograph of My Joseph Gurney Fry with his award-winning homemade meringues.
A brief life story of a person considered to be a generous supporter of and benefactor to the School over a long period of time. The Fry family have been a significant School family with 10 of Joseph Gurney Fry's grandchildren and great-grand children attending BCGS, with many of his extended family also becoming students at the School.