Bert Congdon, Letter Carrier, PMG Claremont
c. 1920Bert (Bertie) Congdon, dressed in his Letter Carrier's uniform, holding onto his bicycle. Building and garden in background. He wears a peaked cap, jacket buttoned down the front, trousers and calf high boots. He has a mail satchel over his left shoulder and letters in his left hand. A rolled up bag is tied onto the handlebars of his bicycle.
Bert (Bertie) Congdon joined the PMG department at the Claremont Post Office in 1913. He served in the AIF in World War I. He returned to the postal service after the war and was serving with them at the outbreak of World War II. He married Eileen Pearl Trenberth in 1921.
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Copyright and Reference
Acknowledgements to be made to 'Claremont Museum 02.54'.
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Letter Carrier, PMG Claremont
Source: Claremont Museum 02.54
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