Ellis Silas Water Colour Painting


Watercolour painting on paper that depicts the ships at anchor of the Second Convoy that transported Australian Imperial Force (AIF) and New Zealand Expeditionary Force (NZEF) troops to the First World War. In the foreground the submarine HMAS AE2 is depicted. The artwork is in a gold-gilt frame.

Historical information

This watercolour painting depicts the ships and HMAS AE2 submarine at anchor of the Second Convoy that departed Albany, Western Australia on 31st December 1914. The convoy transported Australian Imperial Force (AIF) and New Zealand Expeditionary Force (NZEF) troops to the First World War. The artist Ellis Silas was a member of the 16th Battalion and onboard one of the ships part of the convoy where he captured the moment in this artwork. This artwork depicts his experience as being part of the Second Convoy and presenting Silas’s first interest in marine art.



Registration number
Item type
165 mm
Height or length
233 mm
1 mm
Inscriptions and markings

In the bottom right hand corner it is signed ‘Ellis Silas 1915 16th Bn 4’ Inf Bdge’. On the reverse 'The Australian Transport Fleet in the Indian Ocean, January 1915. European War 1914. Watercolour painted by signaller Ellis Silas, 16th Battalion 4th Brigade'. Also has framing instructions '3" brown mount all round. 1/2" S. Walnut old pattern, stained dark.'

Primary significance criteria
Artistic or aesthetic significance
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance
Comparative significance criteria
Interpretive capacity
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
Google Maps search term / URL
Princess Royal Fortress Military Museum

Princess Royal Fortress Military Museum

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Ellis Silas Watercolour Painting
Ellis Silas watercolour painting of Second Convoy that left Albany, Western Australia on the 31st December 1914.
Silas Painting back
Ellis Silas watercolour painting of Second Convoy that left Albany, Western Australia on the 31st December 1914 - back of painting.

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