Australian Red Cross Society Western Australian Division ‘Woollen Comforts’ booklet from Second World War
c. 1940A Second World War ten (10) page photostatted ‘Woollen Comforts’ knitting brochure with stapled spine. It has typed instructions of patterns with images on several pages and a ‘red-coloured’ cross on the front cover.
The Australian Red Cross Society (founded by Lady Helen Munro Ferguson in 1914) produced brochures as part of an appeal to the women of Australia to contribute to the war effort, “to give everyone a chance of learning what style of contribution is needed most.” Brochures were produced in WW1 and WW2.
This Western Australian Division booklet includes patterns for woollen socks, a balaclava helmet, bed socks, a knee cap, a cardigan, a sleeveless pullover, mittens, a hot water bottle cover, a scarf (with fringe) and a waistcoat muffler. Such items were a domestic contribution to the war effort, providing soldiers with warm clothing, socks to prevent trench feet and messages of support.
"Australian Red Cross Society / Western Australian Division / 18 Howard Street, Perth / WOOLLEN COMFORTS / PRICE, 6D"
"Parcels addressed “Australian Red Cross” / are carried freight free over the railways."
"Copies of this knitting Book / may be obtained upon applic- / ation to any Red Cross Branch / or Unit in Western Australia."
This ‘Woollen Comforts’ brochure was sold for 6 pence by the ‘Australian Red Cross Society, Western Australian Division’ that was located at ’18 Howard Street, Perth’. The brochure presents the Red Cross, and community, contribution toward supplying servicemen during the Second World War with knitted garments such as socks, balaclavas, cardigans and scarves.
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