2 Geraldton Brewery cards

c. 1885

2 small cards, one with a blue background, the other white.

Historical information

John S. Maley went into partnership with David W. Horwood to build and operate what they named the Victoria Brewery in Durlacher St, Geraldton. The business commenced brewing in November 1882. Then in 1885, Harwood & Maley handed over their business to the Geraldton Brewery Company Limited. But the joint stock company came to grief in 1888, and J. S. Maley as creditor of that company successfully presented a petition to the Supreme Court asking that it be wound up.
In May 1890, John Maley in partnership with his son Fred, purchased the property of the Geraldton Brewery Co for approximately £1,000, renovated the premises and repaired the machinery and recommenced brewing.
The Geraldton Brewery Co, of which by then, Fred Maley was only one of seven partners, was dissolved on 29 May 1901.
The building was later demolished.
These cards were found by the donor in Maley's Mill in 1951 whilst visiting her uncle, Fred Rudduck.



Registration number
93 mm
Height or length
60 mm
1 mm
Inscriptions and markings

Geraldton Brewery Co Ltd

Contextual Information

Maley established the first brewery in Geraldton, but nothing remains of that business.

Place made
Western Australia, Australia
Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Comparative significance criteria
Object’s condition or completeness
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
Greenough Museum and Gardens

Greenough Museum and Gardens

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cards from the Geraldton Brewery c1885
2 cards from the Geraldton Brewery c1885.

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