
Front cover has a photo of a woman with a young boy leaning on a wooden bench with text beneath. In the background are trees of green and yellow. Title text [Springtime / A prestige development of three deluxe villages].
Back page is a road map with boundaries along Armadale Road, Tonkin Highway, and Forrest Road showing the location of the three developments, Riverside, Central Park and Xavier. Printing in black [Land Sales Office & / Display Village / Corner of Armadale & Coomal Road, Haynes. / Open 1-5pm Mon, Wed, Sat & Sun].
The book contains detailed descriptions of the three developments with lot plans and sizes.
The back cover forms a folder with pamphlets of each location describing the sites, location and price with various amenities in the area.

Historical information

Promotional material for the Haynes development Springtime. Collected by the museum curator 6 April 2016 to represent housing style and what a home looked like in the early 2000s.



Registration number
230 mm
Height or length
310 mm
Inscriptions and markings

Makers mark on back right corner [WAllis / property co.]

Statement of significance

This item is part of a collection of ephemera collected on 6 April 2016 by the museum to represent the urban development that was occuring in the City of Armadale. Since the year 2000 the City has undergone a major transforation as land once dedicated to agriculture and farming practices has become large urban housing developments. This collection is a snap shot of the cost and types of blocks available and the styles of houses being built in these new housing developments in the 2010s.

Comparative significance criteria
Interpretive capacity
Rare or representative
Well provenanced
City of Armadale - History House

City of Armadale - History House

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