Church of Ascension, Midland.

c. 1955

Black and white digital scan.

Historical information

Image shows original front of the church building with its small double-door entry. A drive-through porch was added to the front of the building between 1965 and 1970. This building is the second church on the site; in the late 1890s, it replaced a 1893-constructed hall of timber and corrugated iron which was built for use as a church, social and political meeting place. The first service was held in this new church on 7th May 1899.



Registration number
Item type
Contextual Information

Building is associated with the growth of Midland in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance

May be used under the Creative Commons License. High quality scan is available from Midland and Districts Historical Society.

Attribution requirements

Image is to be attributed 'Courtesy of Midland and Districts Historical Society Inc. and Elizabeth Herbert'.

Midland and Districts Historical Society

Midland and Districts Historical Society

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Church of Ascension, Midland.
Church of Ascension, Spring Park Road, Midland.

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