Spring Park Dairy.


Grey-scale prints.

Historical information

Spring Park Dairy was located at 15 Elvire Street, Midland. In the early 1900s the property was owned by F.D. North and it supported 50 dairy cattle as well as pigs, poultry and crops.



Registration number
Item type
18 cm
Height or length
13 cm
Contextual Information

The dairy shed and house were demolished between 1995 and 2000 and a new subdivision was established on the land in 2005.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance
Comparative significance criteria
Rare or representative

High quality scan is available from Midland and Districts Historical Society.

Attribution requirements

Image is to be attributed 'Courtesy of Midland and Districts Historical Society and Parna Lawless'.

Midland and Districts Historical Society

Midland and Districts Historical Society

Organisation Details
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Dairy shed at Spring Park Dairy.
Dairy shed at Spring Park Dairy.
House at Spring Park Dairy, 15 Elvire Street, Midland.
House at Spring Park Dairy, 15 Elvire Street, Midland.
Spring Park Dairy paddocks.
Spring Park Dairy paddocks.

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