Refurbishment of the Commercial Hotel, Midland.


Colour digital images.

Historical information

The Commercial Hotel was built in 1901 when the property on which it stands was mortgaged to the Swan Brewery Company. Like other hotels in the district, the Commercial was a meeting place for community groups and sporting clubs.



Registration number
Item type
Inscriptions and markings

No inscriptions or marking.

Contextual Information

The Commercial Hotel is one of the few remaining late 19th/early 20th century hotels remaining in the Midland area.

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Social or spiritual significance
Comparative significance criteria
Rare or representative

May be used under the Creative Commons License. High quality scan is available from Midland and Districts Historical Society.

Attribution requirements

Image is to be attributed 'Courtesy of Midland and Districts Historical Society Inc.'.

Midland and Districts Historical Society

Midland and Districts Historical Society

Organisation Details
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P96-01. Front exterior of the Commercial Hotel.
P96-01. Front exterior of the Commercial Hotel.
P96-04. Refurbished bar and interior of the hotel.
P96-04. Refurbished bar and interior of the hotel.
P96-05. Refurbished bar of the hotel.
P96-05. Refurbished bar of the hotel.
P96-06. Refurbished interior of the hotel.
P96-06. Refurbished interior of the hotel.
P96-07. Restored ceiling rose.
P96-07. Restored ceiling rose.
P96-08. Restored ceiling glass.
P96-08. Restored ceiling glass.
P96-09. Rear exterior.
P96-09. Rear exterior.
P96-10. Rear exterior.
P96-10. Rear exterior.

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