Carte-de-Visite of Joseph Abraham Morrell
c. 1890Studio photograph of head and shoulders of a bearded young man.
Joseph Abraham Morrell (1861-1945) was a blacksmith at Carnarvon. He probably sent this photograph to his brother Reuben Morrell of Ironbarks Farm, North Greenough.
Carte-de-visites were made in multiple copies so they could be given to family and friends. This photograph remained in the Morrell family for over 80 years.
Greenough Museum and Gardens
Greenough Museum and Gardens
Other items from Greenough Museum and Gardens
- Carte-de-Visite - George Throssell
- Photograph of Isabella Duncan and child
- Photograph of Thomas Pearson Duncan and Robert Lionel Duncan
- Photograph of Tom Morrell
- Wedding photograph of May Morrell and Harry Elphick
- Photograph of Thomas Duncan
- Mounted studio photograph of four children
- Tintype of Thomas & Lionel Duncan
- Carte-de-Visite - young married woman
- Studio photograph of F.C. Allen
- Photograph of two women, a baby and a dog
- Photograph of Gladys Morrell pushing a pram

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