Methodist Church Organ
1954Claude Langsford seated at organ keyboard and Joseph Wood Langsford standing in front of it facing the church.
1st Methodist Meeting held in Mr H Williams' residence, Claremont in 1895 by Rev AJ Barclay. 1st Methodist service held in Claremont State School building 1895. Foundation stone of new church laid 14/11/1896 by Sir R F McMillan, Lieut Gov of WA. Opening 25/2/1923 on the west side of Stirling Highway. During World War 1, Mr Jenkins was the minister. Associated with the church, was the West Claremont Methodist Christian Junior Endeavour which was established in 1917. The Christian Endeavour previously existed in Claremont. On formation of Uniting Church in 1977, services were then held in former Presbyterian Church in Princess Road. In 1981, the church was bought by the Claremont Town Council and with many alterations, became the Claremont Town Hall. In November 2010, the Claremont Council chambers and library burned down in a fire. Work began on the hall to convert the space again and in January 2012 it reopened as the new Claremont Library and Comunity Hub.
Printed on top of photo is the title [Organ/ Now in Claremont / 1954' ] in black.
Copyright and Reference
Copyright and Reference
Acknowledgements to be made to 'Claremont Museum 99.64'.

Joseph Wood Langsford and Claude Langsford (seated)
Source: Claremont Museum 99.64
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