Opening of the Boys Club Katanning

1945 - 1949

A sepia photograph with a large group of people standing at the front of the building which has a double door in the centre of the building and windows either side of the doors. The building is a rectangular building in which the roof is flat and slopes downwards toward the back of the building. There is a chimney on the right hand side of the building which is on the outside of the building. There are boy scouts in the picture, the men on the right of the picture are dressed in suits, shirts, ties and long trousers. On the left of the photograph standing behind the boys are women. who all have hats on. The photograph is mounted on beige embossed cardboard. There is construction of another building in the background

Historical information

Opening of Boy's Club in the RSL Hall in Carew Street. The hall was demolished by Ron Wake c1950, and the back hall became Studio Moves. The start of the building of the large rear hall can be seen in the photo. This hall was the centre of social life in Katanning for many years.



Registration number
Item type
25 cm
Height or length
20 cm
Inscriptions and markings

On the back of the photograph hand written in blue ink is 'Opening of the Boys' Club, Katanning C1949 RSL Hall Carew St Katanning.'

Primary significance criteria
Historic significance
Comparative significance criteria
Rare or representative

Please contact the Katanning Historical Society for reproduction of image or for access to a higher resolution image.

Attribution requirements

Courtesy of Katanning Historical Society.

Katanning Historical Society

Katanning Historical Society

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Returned Services League Hall
Returned Services League Hall
Back of photograph of Returned Services League Hall
Back of photograph of Returned Services League Hall

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