c. 1920 - 1930Custom-made anaesthetic machine comprised of a glass and metal vaporiser, electric motor and pump, speed regulator and upright handle mounted on a wooden base.
Made in the style of Yankauer's inhaler for etherisation and suction. Probably used for tonsils and adenoid operation.
The machine has a long, narrow metal label attached at the front of the wooden mount reading:
'Manufactured by F.Tough, 30 King Street, Perth.'
The son of F. Tough reportedly stated that these anaesthetic machines were based on the idea of a Dr. Kasner Moss of Hay St, West Perth. Tough made about twenty of these machines for various local doctors in the late 1920s and 1930s at a price of 35 pounds each.
Manufactured by F. Tough, 30 King Street, Perth
The West Australian Newspaper Fri 13 May 1938 p16 indicates Dr Kasner Moss was appointed Anaesthetist to Perth Hospital. The item is reported to have been used by Dr Herbert John Gray in the early 1930s for tonsillectomies and adenoidectomies.
An item of historic and scientific significance. This custom-made anaesthetic machine is based on a design by Dr Kasner Moss, pioneer anaesthetist, appointed as honorary medical staff member of Perth Public Hospital in 1938. It contributes to and informs a large collection of anaesthetic equipment donated to the RPH Museum by the Royal Society of Anaesthetists.