c. 1870 - 1900

Flat rectangular piece of metal with emblem or crest attached, reverse has a loop of wire which may be folded flat.

Historical information

Owned and used by the Dumsday family in the Forrestdale district of Western Australia.

This item is the Dumsday family seal, most likely brought out from UK with George Dumsday in 1885. George was a draper in Cuckfield Sussex, he later had a dresscuttung business in Melbourne before moving into land speculation. Following poor investments the family moved to Perth in 1892 where he continued in land speculation and unsuccessful investments duing the goldrush.
Interpretive: objects from UK brought with the family as they moved to Australia to start a new life



Registration number
2.4500 cm
Height or length
1.6000 cm
1.7500 cm
c. 1870 - 1900
Statement of significance

This object is part of a collection of items associated with a person or family who have played a significant role in the economic, community or social development of the City of Armadale. This can include holding key political or social positions within the community, being a key contributor or member of a community organisation, a strong contributor to improving the well-being of the local community, a prominent figure in a local business or industry, developer of new industries or activities or someone who grew up in the area and moved away and had a noteworthy career or life.

Comparative significance criteria
Interpretive capacity
Well provenanced
City of Armadale - History House

City of Armadale - History House

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