Irrigation Replacement 2022

In 2022 the club installed a comprehensive new irrigation system. This system covered the complete golf course, practice areas (driving range, putting and chipping) and some of the gardens around the clubhouse. Installation was completed by the contractor NewGround Water Services.
The attachment to this event is a diary of communications from the club as the project was implemented and the impact it had on the playing of golf during the approximately three-month installation period. Play was first interrupted on 10th June and the project was completed on the 1st September 2022.
Disruption to the playing of golf was minimised by ensuring that 18 holes were available for play on almost every day. This was achieved by utilising the practice hole near the chipping area ('the pitcher') and the spare green located part way down the 8th hole, splitting the 8th hole par five into a par four and par three. These two adjustments provided an extra two holes to use whilst other traditional golf holes were undergoing the irrigation installation.
Related items within the archive database are associated with this event. These also describe the process to implement this large project.

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CLUB COMMUNICATION - PRESIDENT - LEASE RENEWAL AND IRRIGATION PROJECT - 20 NOVEMBER 2021 Land lease renewal impact on irrigation replacement project 2021

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MGGC Course History and Architects Irrigation replacement 2022
Irrigation Replacement 2022
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