HANCOCK, Stephen Hugh (Hugh)

- 1986
One of the eight founders of the club.  
Club records list the name Hugh Hancock as one of the founders, others list the name as S. or Stephen.
A brief Google search returned a Lands Department document (extract below) that identifies Stephen Hugh Hancock and Murray Day (one of the other eight club founders) were jointly granted land in Torbay (west of Albany WA). This association suggests that Hancock's full name was Stephen Hugh Hancock.  
'It is hereby notified for general information that the Land Board has determined that the following application for land shall be Granted :- ...  Torbay A .A . Lot 187, situated 9 kilometres southwest of Torbay and containing 12 hectares to Stephen Hugh Hancock (discharged member of the forces) of c/- P.O . Box 469, Albany, W.A ., and Murray Day, of 4 Dornie Place, Ardross, W .A.'  https://www.legislation.wa.gov.au/legislation/prod/gazettestore.nsf/FileURL/gg1976_009.pdf/$FILE/Gg1976_009.pdf?OpenElement

Related Records

Record Association Dates
MIXED FOURSOMES CHAMPIONSHIP (HUGH HANCOCK TROPHY) Trophy named in honour of founder, Hugh Hancock

Related Topics

Topic Association Dates
Foundation Members 1969
Founders of MGGC
Mixed Foursomes Championship (Hugh Hancock Trophy) Event named after him