Manjimup Heritage Park
About organisation
Management of the Manjimup Heritage Park, started in 1985 with the vision to continue to be a community maintained public park. Originally the Park was developed as a ‘museum’ to record the history of the timber industry within the district. As the historical collection of exhibits grew, it was noted that the ‘museum’ had evolved and covered all aspects of life during the early days of the community.
The Collection; whilst wide-ranging and including several sub-collections, has an overarching purpose of telling the history of regional development in Western Australia, with a focus on Manjimup and the South West of Western Australia. The collection is defined primarily by physical objects from small technical equipment to large engines. Sub-collections in the Park are of high significance with other smaller collections in the Park being less significant but highly representative.
The following is a list of the major sub-collections that form the overarching Park collection, noting objects may be a part of a sub-collection but interpretation capacity may crossover multiple sub-collections and themes (listed below). Also noting some objects may not be part of a sub-collection and simply are part of the over-arching Park collection:
• Timber Sub-Collection – objects, photographs and documents reflecting the history, technology and people of Western Australia’s first major industry. Highly significant collection. Significance assessment yet to be done. Collection started in 1977 with growth over time. Most objects donated by community members of local businesses. High historical, aesthetic, scientific and social significance. Some have been accessioned into older system managed by Manjimup Historical Society but records to be brought over to Shire managed system (with Shire accession numbers).
• Energy Collection – objects reflecting the development of technology around energy and electricity. Donated to the Shire of Manjimup in 2016 (whole collection). Much of the collection of national significance. Significance Assessment prepared for collection, items currently being accessioned into Shire managed system.
• Agricultural Collection – A collection of primarily individual donated agricultural equipment used in the region. Majority; if not all, without records – as such have low significance but moderate value in terms of educational and interpretation capacity.
• Blacksmith Collection – a collection of blacksmithing tools and equipment. Majority of which were stolen from the Park in 2017. Replaced with like and new items so no historical significance but value in educational and interpretation capacity.
• Rail Collection – a collection of mainly large machines pertaining to hauling logs in the forest and transporting via rail. High historic and social significance, particular to the local historical narrative. Condition of many of the large items good, provided major restorations in 2017/18 and provenance strong as highly connecting to local community.

Contact information
37-39 Rose Street
Manjimup WA 6258
Visit information
151 Giblett St
Manjimup WA 6258